Friday, January 25, 2013

1-25-13 - ionic brush/Big Boss Fryer

Rainy day.   A was put In timeout this am by Darin before they even left for school.  We had a good day though.  A states she got a green and will get a green everyday.  Of course, I found out from Mrs. Evans yesterday that she no longer has been changing  the color of her card as she thought it was too much of a negative for Alexa.  She has just been ignoring her behavior!   Alexa is so excited that she is getting greens - she is ready to try to obtain a star!

I told the girls at work about Live Mocha - Christina wants to learn Italian.  :)  Darin picked up the kids since it was raining.  That gave me time to come home and start dinner - beef, gravy and mashed potatoes. 

The kids got in the Jacuzzi for a little bit.  I played Perplexus quite a bit - so fun yet frustrating at the same time.  I had mentioned to Darin this am about getting an ionic toothbrush and he said to go ahead and order from Groupon which I did.  Then I ordered a Emson Big Boss Fryer which I have been looking at for a couple days.  I have been looking at something similar for 2-3 months now though.  This was a really good deal through EBAY. 

Alexa was up till about 8:30 on the IPAD before I told her to get off and go brush her teeth.  Silly girl, she was saying to start a movie!  She wanted to lay down with me in the pink room and she fell asleep.  I was even planning on sleeping in my bedroom again as Darin fixed the Jacuzzi to go off around 7:10am but here I am comfy under the covers typing away with A sleeing on my elbow. 

Pleasant Dreams!!  :)

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