Wednesday, April 10, 2013

4/3/13 - 1 Dead In I-8 Wreck

1 Dead In I-8 Wreck

The kids and I passed this as we were driving to Yuma to visit Laurie, Steve and Peanut.  We saw the crunched up car with the separated crunched up hood as well as the semi truck bed all burned up off the road facing perpendicular (the car wasn't burned up.)  

We had left SD (after appt. in La Mesa) around 3:00 pm but we hit slowed traffic.  

We arrived in Yuma at 5:45.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

5 Fun Facts About St. Patrick's Day - Yahoo! News

5 Fun Facts About St. Patrick's Day - Yahoo! News

Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy 68th b-day to my mom!!! We had a fun time over at their home with hamburgers, hot dogs, presents then applesauce cake and vanilla ice cream.  We got her a hat, orange scarf and fun colorful purse. 

Yesterday, Sat 3/16, Alexa and I went to Haircutters and had our hair cut.  She got a cute wedge cut so it should be easier for her to brush/comb and get the tangles out.
Friday, 3/15, I got out of work at 2:45, picked the kids up and took them to Circus Vargas in Mira Mesa as a surprise.  It was a good show!
Th, 3/14, after I picked the kids up from school, I took Jake to get his haircut at the Barber Shop.
Wed, 3/13, I met with Cathy/Brandy at Kadman College re: nursing school.  Very expensive and I can't do the hours they offer.  They had me take a test which I passed.  This was Alexa's ~13th visit with Linda Nerenberg in La Mesa.
Last Sat, 3/9, I had Alexis, Luisa and Jason come over for a "playdate" and it was a nice visit.   Sunday, 3/10, we had gone to Miramar Lake with Baron and Leyla to bike around (and Darin to walk around.) 
The previous weekend on Friday, 3/1, after work/school, we met up with Lisa, Cameron and Wyatt at Cadman Park.  That Sat, 3/2, we took the kids to Laguna Mtn Lodge area for a snow day and we had the place to ourselves!  We had fun and got Dairy Queen ice cream before coming home. 
The previous weekend, 2/23, we had met up with Gretchen and Garrett Thompson at Cadman Park.  

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I have loved having a clean home!  Granted, it isn't all clean, like the pink room, bedroom or playroom - not to even mention the garage!   Friday after work I saw that I had received the ionic toothbrushes.  I plugged mine in - it is supposed to charge for ~16 hours!

Yesterday am the kids were really good not to wake me up before 7am.  After breakfast (scrambled eggs that J didn't like as I used cracked pepper that was too spicy for him) I took J to WalMart so he could pick out his own underwear for staying dry at night for over 1 whole month!  He picked out what looks like lego ninjas in sz 6 (for big boys!)  When we got home I saw Debbie's parent's truck in front of their house.  Darin said he had talked with them as the renters all moved out!  I went over there with the kids and talked with them a bit.  They were doing some painting.  I had to still unload the car but asked if they needed help and they said no.  I unloaded the car and put everything away.  We had cereal for lunch.  Used my ionic toothbrush for the first time - tickles!!

I was feeling really tired but helped J decorate some of his Valentine's.  I did some math homework and spelling homework with Alexa.   I rode around the block 3 times with J on his bike while D did Raz Kids with A.   The kids and I rode our bikes to the Peacock's home.  The kids played a bit in the house and then we rode our bikes to the park.  There was a young boy learning to ride his bike so J started playing with him.  Maya and Simon came over to the park a bit so it was nice seeing them as well.  I think it was around 5pm we came home.

We had corndogs, sausages and chili for dinner.  Darin sauted up veggies he had gotten at the 99c store.  After dinner J went to bed and A asked to watch Secret of the Wings for the 3rd time.  We laid down in the bed in the pink room and watched it on my computer on Netflix.  Darin came in about 1/2 hr later and watched the rest with us.  A wanted to slp with me in the pink room. :)

Today I stayed in bed until about 7:15.  Of course, I couldn't sleep that long as Darin started coming in the room ~ 6:20, waking A up and then she and J were watching cartoons which was fine.  However, D kept coming in asking where things were.  Sorry, but when he is sleeping I don't disturb him and I also try to keep the kids from disturbing him.  Why don't I get the same courtesy??? 

We had cereal for b-fast and Darin made a yummy smoothie.  Darin was having A copy sentences he was writing on index cards.  We went to church and Darin had J & A copy sentences on more index cards.  A was not happy but it was J's first time and he loved it.   During the sermon Darin and I were both tired.  When we got home D&A went out shopping.  I stayed with J and we did multiplication on the "keys" I got from Lakeshore.  He did really good and he did the multiplications up to 6 I believe!  After that we decorated some more of his Valentine cards.  Maybe tomorrow I will try to get a pic of him holding a couple to put on this post. :)

D&A got home ~ 12:15 and at 2pm we went over to Shalini's home.  Jane and I (& J) watched God of Wonders while S&A watched Brave (until A wanted it shut off because she was getting scared.)  I always have such a nice visit with Jane!  We got home around 5pm.  Darin was in bed.  I made pork, sweet potatoes and stuffing.  The kids were not impressed.  A at least ate her pork but J hardly touched anything.  He snacked a lot over at Jane's home though...  A watched Tangled while I took a bath (J too).   The kids were going to bed when D got up for a few minutes (went right back to bed.)  I read to the kds for a bit and it was around 8:20 or so when the lights were shut off.

I finally get time to myself - when I am tired...  :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/6/13 - Camping

I am behind on my blogging...

On Saturday 2/2 in the morning I helped Alexa complete her biography on Molly Pitcher.  After that we left to go camping at San Mateo.  It was overcast and a little drizzly but we had fun still.  Darin had brought the kids bikes.  The loop across from us was closed off so we didn't have to worry about cars driving around there.  Darin set up the tent only to have the zipper stuck and he tore it off.  He punctured holes in the tent and used fabric ties to keep it closed.   We walked to the beach (1 1/2 mi one way) and it was cold.  A did get in the water so luckily we had dry clothing for her afterwards.  It started sprinkling again so we left just in case it was going to start coming down harder (it didn't.)  On the way back the kids and I only walked part of the way with Darin (to the road and over to Carl's Jr.) while he went back for the car.

I saw a backpacker come in with a backpack and front pack.  I told Darin about it and we saw his packs but didn't see him.  I thought maybe he was hiking the Pacific Rim Trail.  We were walking to in the parking lot to our car when I saw him walking up and I just went right up to him and said I noticed he had a backpack as well as a front pack and asked if he was doing the Pacific Rim Trail (of course I'm getting closer to him as I am talking and realizing he looks more like he is homeless...) so I continue and say, "Or, is that just how you get around?"  He told me he gets around by train and had just offered a coffee to a man as he had been given that favor many times in his life.   He did let me know that the front pack is his survival pack.  If he looses his backpack he can survive on what is in his front pack.  I had $1 in my pocket so I gave it to him for the next time he needs a coffee or sees someone else who does.  He said he would be sure to pass it on.  He had a good heart.

When we got back to camp the kids rode their bikes some more until it got too dark.  After that a couple young kids were doing some exploring with their flashlights and my kids joined them in their adventures.  They were with their GM who would throw pebbles into the bushes and they would be all excited and exclaim, "Did you hear that!?"  They were sure there were snakes or something.  Too cute. 

Darin started a fire but it kept going out as we didn't have lighter fluid.  He made so many trips to go find wood that he didn't really get a chance to enjoy the fire!  Finally the kids and I went to bed and Darin said he would be in soon.  However, there were so many hot coals that the big wood finally caught and he stayed up, I'm not sure how long, finally enjoying his fire. 

Sunday the kids woke up really early while it was still dark and so I walked with them around the empty loop for a long time.  As soon as Darin was up he got their bikes out of the tent (it had rained that night so I was glad I had put our chairs under the picnic table too.)  The kids rode and rode their bikes.  We went to check on Darin and he had made scrambled eggs with sausage in tortillas - YUM!

We let the kids ride their bikes a lot longer.  Darin raised Jake's seat and lowered A's as she kept falling and falling!   It was better for both of them. 

We left around 10:30 and drove to the San Onofre campground, parked and walked to the beach there.  A went boogie boarding and I got in up to my waist. The water was like ice.  There were a lot of rocks and the kids had all sorts of fun.  We also saw a rescue team drop off 2 seals and were able to see them up close.  They never went into the water while we were there.  I think they were enjoying the warmth of the sand! 

It was a hike back up to the car.  J slept on the drive home.   I went into Vons for lunch items before we went home, made deli bagel sandwiches and Darin was hm in time for the football game!   After unloading and everything he only missed the first 5 min.  A had been asking and asking to watch Secret of the Wings again so we did that in the pink room.  What a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


(2nd night back in bedroom...) Yesterday was Mon and I had to get into wk early so that I could leave by 3pm.   I was able to pick the kids up by 3:30 and get to Linda Vista for Alexa's apt w/Linda by 4pm.  Our apt was at 4:30 so I was glad that Linda was able to see her earlier.  A did good and did the entire 20 min. :)  I made BLT's for dinner without the T and with avocado and cream cheese - YUMMY!  :) 

Today I didn't have to rush into work so that was nice.  Had a really good day.  Had a 2 hour meeting re: our questionnaire build.  At noon I got a call from the school that A's shoes broke.  I went to Walmart and got her a new pair and took them to her.  I also took a band I got in the mail today to Mrs. Evans.  I made it back to wk in 1 hr.

I had 2 other bands I got in the mail (along with a wooden figit toy) so I put those on the kids chairs.  We had corndogs for dinner.  A had a lot of homework to do so I hope she is able to finish it all tomorrow as it is due on Th.  

It has been a long time since I watched anything on the computer but since the kids were in bed at 7:15,  I watched an episode of Once Upon a Time on  It took me a while to watch it because the commercials were long and kept having to buffer, then it quit on me and said I needed to download the recent version of Adobe Flash.  Darin helped me a while and decided I needed to restart my computer.  I did and that worked.  I finished watching it but now it is late... :(

I will start a security scan and go to bed. :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

1/27/13 - Anna Pilko

Yesterday am the kids were up at 6:15 (A slept w/me in the pink room).  I had them watch cartoons for 45 min while I wrote up a schedule for the day.  At 7 they got dressed and we ate b-fast then we did homework and took breaks until 10am.  We were ready to go to LEGOLAND but Darin was working with the fish tanks and we were waiting for him.  Finally around 11am we left without Darin as he was still going to be a while.  It had been raining lightly and was still overcast.  We ended up going over to Diana Le to visit her and her new baby (Azaria?).  Cute.  We weren't there long and we went to LEGOLAND from around 12:30 to 5pm.  We stopped at McDonalds for dinner.  When we got home J was sleeping.  A had been waiting all day to see Secret of the Wings (a Tinkerbell movie) so I  put that on.  Darin left right when it was about ready to start and got home from WalMart right after it ended!  A & I slept in the living room.  We didn't fall asleep right away, she was on her laptop and reading from the dictionary!   We finally had lights out and went to sleep...

J woke up around 4:30 asking loudly for Alexa.  I had him come sleep out with us.  He was complaining that his neck was hurting so I gave him some chewable pain reliever medicine for kids.  He woke up early so I had him get in the bath.  After J waking up so early and talking loudly and not letting me sleep very well, he then stated he was tired and laid down again...

I got up at 7am and made scrambled eggs.  I had the kids get up at 7:15 to get dressed and come for b-fast.  I made b-fast burritos just adding cheese and ketchup.  A doesn't care for scrambled eggs so she had cereal.  J loved the burritos and asked for the every morning.  I let him know that I don't have time every morning to make them.  :)  Darin loved them too - he was "mmmmmming" with every bite!

We got to church at 8:15 and we had a nice service.  Before going home we went to the bank and to 99c store.  At home we prepared to go to Nobel Park.  We got there at 11am and met Anna Pilko and her daughter Alexandra (a friend of A's in Ms. Evans class.)  I tried to call Adrian's family but they were in LA.  I tried to call Garrett's family but I was only able to lvm.  Anna was really nice and I enjoyed our time.

We got hm ~2 or so and the kids got on the IPAD.  I set timers for them and went to bed.  I slept till ~4pm when J came in to lay down with me - but he wasn't really sleepy.  A had gone and fallen asleep w/Darin.  I made a pizza for dinner and put on a Netflix movie that came in - Ice Age Continental Shift.  J didn't want to watch it but did.  It was a little scary for them but it was a good movie.  They got ready for bed and D cuddled w/A for a bit.  J fell asleep pretty quickly after yelling a few times how much he loved me. :)

It is 8:30 and I am so tired.  I will get a drink of water and go to bed!

Friday, January 25, 2013

1-25-13 - ionic brush/Big Boss Fryer

Rainy day.   A was put In timeout this am by Darin before they even left for school.  We had a good day though.  A states she got a green and will get a green everyday.  Of course, I found out from Mrs. Evans yesterday that she no longer has been changing  the color of her card as she thought it was too much of a negative for Alexa.  She has just been ignoring her behavior!   Alexa is so excited that she is getting greens - she is ready to try to obtain a star!

I told the girls at work about Live Mocha - Christina wants to learn Italian.  :)  Darin picked up the kids since it was raining.  That gave me time to come home and start dinner - beef, gravy and mashed potatoes. 

The kids got in the Jacuzzi for a little bit.  I played Perplexus quite a bit - so fun yet frustrating at the same time.  I had mentioned to Darin this am about getting an ionic toothbrush and he said to go ahead and order from Groupon which I did.  Then I ordered a Emson Big Boss Fryer which I have been looking at for a couple days.  I have been looking at something similar for 2-3 months now though.  This was a really good deal through EBAY. 

Alexa was up till about 8:30 on the IPAD before I told her to get off and go brush her teeth.  Silly girl, she was saying to start a movie!  She wanted to lay down with me in the pink room and she fell asleep.  I was even planning on sleeping in my bedroom again as Darin fixed the Jacuzzi to go off around 7:10am but here I am comfy under the covers typing away with A sleeing on my elbow. 

Pleasant Dreams!!  :)