Friday, October 8, 2010


Boy, even with it being darker out in the mornings it seems like the kids (&Darin) wake up earlier!  D got in the bath & A asked to get in with him then J asked to get in with him.  D was out before the water was done running! 

D & A left around 6:40 am.  J wanted to take his cubby book to Ms. Teresa's but not his blankies.  I saw the lamb out in the garage and had aleady put Jake in the car with his door closed, so I put the lamb up to the window like he wanted in. Jake just laughed and when I gave him the lamb he just hugged it and laughed. :) 

J didn't want me to leave until Ms. Teresa asked him if he wanted to go on a walk - YEAH!!!  I got into work a little earlier than my usual 8am, 7:45.   Kim brought us over some goodies for Halloween time.  Christina and Cindy got big Halloween mugs filled with goodies.  I got a Halloween bowl with 2 dish towels, 3 small candles, a spider candle, stickers, and some goodies.  It was such a busy day today with a fellowship mtg, MD appt, CF team mtg, urgent rqst from ML to put in ck rqst for translation svcs for CFFD tomorrow and let him know he wouldn't be getting paid tomorrow.  MSP had urgent rqst for mtg for the CF site visit.  It was so busy I hardly got to read any emails or EPIC msgs.  Christina told me that she feels as though I have been gone 3 days now - I feel that way too.   I got the ok to do some work tomorrow if I have the time. 

Sad news today - there was a shooting at an Elementary school in Carlsbad.  The 2 kids were brought to CH.  I only know about a shooting in the arm so I don't know if both kids were shot in the arm.  I just pray that they are ok and I am grateful for the construction worker/s who stopped him.  Who knows what damage he might have done.

I bought airline ticket to Chicago for the fellowship conference (which will be 10/25), paid for hotel and registration. 

We got home and D & A were here. A got out left over taquitos and I made J 2 hard eggs & a slice of cheddar cheese.  D&I had an egg sandwich.  I took the kids over to the Beatty's for Bible Study at 6:30 pm.  I was with the kids tonight (along with Donna).  They played, we did a little Bibe study, the kids watched Lilo & Stitch 2 and played some more.  A fell asleep at 8:30 and the study was over about 8:40pm.  J had a HUGE cookie (I helped him with it) - we LUV chocolate chip...  :)   I woke A up and had her go to the bathroom before bringing them hm.  D carried her straight to bed when we got home.  J seemed full of energy but went to bed ok. :)  D went to bed too!  It is 10:50.  I should be thinking about going to bed but I don't want to yet...

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