Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Darin was up at 5am.  I told him if he wanted to go to work early I would take A to school since it is Wed.  D said he was going to put a lunch together for A (he thought it was 6am).  He stuck around and took A to school himself. 

I had some bfast w/J then we played a couple games of Don't Break the Ice.  J played about 15 min on the computer while I cleaned some then he started playing with legos.  D could see that I was really tired so he offered to watch J while I laid down again.  It was 9am. I remember waking up wondering who turned the light on but it was light outside and I was wondering why it was light outside.  I looked at my watch and it was 9:11!!  I napped till 10:30.  D and taken J outside to ride his bike.  J&I went to Party City and picked up party stuff for A.  We came home and had lunch. J had egg salad and was finished before we even sat down.  We had fried egg sandwiches - even D came home for lunch!  D went back to work.  D&L, J&I drove up to Mira Mesa looking for a WalMart Supercenter - it was a wild goose chase.  I called Angelica Saldana and she confirmed there was no D&L had drove separately so J&I left and went to p/u A from SAY.  I saw Ms. Archuleta first and I am not listed to be a volunteer yet.  A, J & I came home.  We were here long enough for A to eat some of her sandwich, we had banana & nuts.  We then went swimming.  J did not want to go at all - boy was he throwing a fit.  He was fine within 1-2 min after being in the water.  He was swimming, waving to me, jumping in from the side...  A always likes to go swimming and she was doing very well today.  I was amazed at how fast she was going while doing the "Dolphin" swim (she had goggles and fins on.)   She was fast but she kept having to stop because she kept catching up to the girl swimming in front of her.

I had them shower and change and we came home.  D&L still weren't home.  I had just looked up my recipe for fish with sour dill sauce when L called asking about dinner.  They ended up getting toquitos for the kids and burritos for the adults.  Of course I got a carne asada - YUMMY.  

The kids took a quick bath, brushed their teeth, got their PJs on and we watched the 2nd half of Bedtime Stories - :).   They went to bed easily.  D&L watched Undercovers. I watched it while checking my emails.  Darin got hm at 8:40pm, ate his carne asada burrito and went to bed.  I am earlier than most nights - it is only 9:18 right now!  Not sure if that means I will get to bed anytime soon...

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