Monday, September 27, 2010


Alexa and Jake are so smart!  They are quick learners.  I was trying to teach J new verses this am and he was doing pretty good but kept wanting to sing John 3:16 which was the most recent one he learned. 

Today was a super hot day.  We had A wear pants because of gym class (which I don't think they had because it was so hot) and we had her take an extra bottle of water with her.

She did really well minding today and even wanted Darin to ask the ladies there at SAY.  They confirmed that she did well minding.  Go Alexa!  That's my baby big girl!

Today at work was the first time we shut the blinds because it was hot!  We kept them closed all day and had the air conditioner on.  I kept wondering how J&A were fairing.  When I picked J up he was fine even though it was pretty hot even with fans on.  When A got home she said she was hot at school too.

D&L went out and bought sandwich makings.  It was yummy and it was nice not having to cook anything.  I left at 6:35, got gas and went to church but the Hands & Hearts ministry wasn't there.  Either I was too late or they called it off because of the heat.  I will have to try to start another hat on my own.

I watched Dancing with the Stars with D&L as well as did quite a bit of my Bible Study for my "Core Group".  The name just changed 2 Fridays ago from Home Fellowship...  I couldn't find my sheet from ROYAL.  It is 11pm now but I was thinking of looking it up.

Darin had a good day at work today - PRAISE GOD!  I pray it will continue!  Tomorrow he will have lunch with Jacque and Bob. :)

Lord, teach me how I can love and support my family more. :)

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