Thursday, September 23, 2010


Back to work. :(  Darin dropped A off (I put my volunteer ppwk & TB copy in A's red folder).   I dropped of J and got into work around 7:50am.  What a busy day!  I am still waiting to get caught up.  It has been 1 wk since my mtg with Rachel and Stephanie Paul.   I was a bit bummed this am first thing though because I got a pissy call from Yoly.  She has been like that quite a bit lately.  Later I got another uppety call from Robert Cox about adding lines to the Research lines.  What is in our drinking water?!?!?

I got off work right at 4:30pm (even though that is right when Dr. Park came down to ask for help with his computer - Christine helped him- oh yeah, he is supposed to be on vacation still too!)  Anyway, I picked up Jake.  D&L had picked up A (whew what a relief!)  I swung by home and got A (she had to change as she was in one of her princess outfits).  I took them to Moonbeams where they made "Universe in a Bottle."  Darin came by then Theresa came with Niko (it was their first time - they came to watch A&J till we got back.) 

D&I went to Doyle to Parent night.  That went ok.  We were the first to leave though as I wanted to get back to the kids.  Theresa had them in her van watching a movie!  :) 

We brought the kids home and I read to them.  I have been singing John 3:16  to them a lot because A needs to know that in Awana's in order to get her vest and book. D&L had picked up Gianna and her friend from the ranch so they got home right as the kids were going to bed.  They were able to say their goodnights to GM & GP and they went to bed good.

D&L had brought home some ckn sandwiches which D&I shared Dad's and he had leftover goulosh.

It is already 10:32 and I need to do my Bible Study - doing my first wk of Miles McPherson's ROYAL. :)

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