Monday, September 20, 2010


Today was red shirt day at A's school so she wore her pretty red shirt.  It was also gym day so she got to wear her brand new princess tennis shoes that Daddy got her yesterday while we were at church.   Daddy took her to school and I took J to Ms. Teres(a's. (J has been wetting himself a lot lately. I got up and took him to the bathroom around 11 - he had fallen out of bed - so he stayed dry all night!!!)  He has also been wetting himself during naptime at Ms. Teresa's.  Not sure why he is regressing except for the new changes w/A going to school and not being with him at Ms. Teresa's.

Work went ok. It was really busy as I was trying to get the Oct calendar done.  We had Kathryn (Kat) Coverston come in for her first day of work to help with the Fellowship.  She needed help getting the process started to get her ID & badge.   I called the Sharp Hosp anesthesiology nurse who went over the things I need to know for tomorrow.

I got Jake ~ 5:10 and we came straight home.  D&L got here about 5:30!!  D&A came home then. :)  What GREAT timing!  I ran over to the church w/A while dinner was in the oven and learned how to finish off my first hat!!  YEAH!! Some little boy or girl will be a little warmer in the cold weather.   A got to hold Linda's Dotson while we were there.

We had pork ribs, beans & corn, garlic bread and broccoli & carrots for dinner.  YUMMY!  I got the kids ready for bed while D cleaned up the kitchen some and got A's lunch ready for tomorrow.  I then finished cleaning the kitchen to my liking.  Took a bath - Ahhhh... :)

Had good time chatting with D&L!  It is 11:33pm and I need to leave the house around 6:30am!

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