Sunday, January 6, 2013


I can't believe that J slept in until 7 and Alexa till 7:30!  Made smoothies for b-fast.  Alexa and I went to church.  We got home and D took J to look for shoes.  A stayed home because she wanted to make a video showing her mermaid powers!  We were still doing that when D & J got home.  He wanted to take them to the aquarium but A didn't want to go so he said, "OK J, let's go!"  Then J didn't want to go either.  Darin parked his car and started cleaning out the big tank he got yesterday morning.  I helped him move it a couple times.  He did a good job cleaning it. 

I returned a duplicate cookbook that Debbie got me and bought Play and Learn Spanish as well as a cursive dry erase pad for Alexa (and J when he is older).  A had gone with me and we must have been there about 2 hours.  While I was sitting looking at cookbooks she ventured to the row behind me where on the bottom shelf they had sex books...  She brought it to me.  I calmly explained to her that that is something that we don't look at - it is a sad shame that books like that are even made and that the book store even carried something like that.  Once I realized it was on the bottom shelf, I should have mentioned something to the establishment. 

When we got home I changed the batteries in the Vtech camera and it works great.  (Amazon is selling the same camera and case for $150!!!)  I made some frozen Chinese chicken for dinner.  After we ate I made 2 bags of popcorn and we watched ?New Mommy?  It was cute and the kids had to brush their teeth and go straight to bed (7pm) as they have to be up early for school tomorrow.

Darin still didn't change the time the Jacuzzi goes off (4:30am) so I am sleeping in the pink room again tonight. 

Back to work tomorrow for me too so I better get to bed soon...  :)

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