Saturday, January 12, 2013


The kids and I had a sleepover last night so we fell asleep watching movies (from my computer hooked up to the tv.)  I wasn't able to get on my computer last night to do a post from yesterday.  Below is a picture soon after waking up. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day though.  At work the girls and I had a meeting with Isabel Garcia, Deb Jennings, Rachel Christensen and Vicki Curry to go over a lot of information on scheduling.  The meeting lasted over an hour and we didn't even discuss the distribution of our duties, which is why we were meeting.

For dinner I made easy chicken cacciatore from a recipe I got from  It was so yummy!  The directions said to put it in the oven for 35 min to 1 hr so I had it in for 55 min and the thick pieces still weren't cooked all the way through.  Next time I will plan for 1hr and 15 min.

I took the kids to WalMart and then to M&R's (Kim still there after her back surgery).  The kids have been fighting all day.  We had lunch there and with them not minding we came home  I started looking up info for A bottle nose dolphins and found some images but I wasn't able to email the pics as I didn't have Microsoft Outlook.  I tried to download it but it is now 9:30 pm and still no luck...

After being up til about 9pm, the kids are both sleeping with me in the pink room - not as much room as on the living room floor!!!  No room for my arms!

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