Tuesday, January 15, 2013


It is 8:08 pm and I am so tired right now!  We had a good morning and everyone made it out on time. :)  It has been busy at work with the Fellowship program and other daily duties.  Christina and Talitha were telling me murders that have taken place and were recently in the news or on a tv program.  Christina told me about a MD who was murdered by a pt of his because of a med prescribed by him ~ 5 yrs prior.  He ended up stabbing him ~21 times.  Even though he plead guilty (in another country) he said he never intended to kill him.  If he would have stayed still he only meant to cut off his hands and feet, sauter them so they wouldn't bleed and pluck his eyes out. (SICK!)   Talitha told me of a young girl from here in SD whose family had just moved into the country and her mother passed away.  She was taking really good care of her younger brother but went to SF for college.  Her best friend there who was ~3 mos pregnant thought her boyfriend was cheating with her and so she posed as a teacher, stole a badge, murdered the innocent girl and dumped her body in the woods.  The body was found by Amber's mom (of Amber and Chelsea...) and her newly trained tracking dog.  The "best friend" would have been ~ 6 mos pregnant by this time - jail baby...  What kind of world do we live in?

I read some of my book at lunch time. 

Darin picked the kids up from school so I went to Smart & Final and picked up some dinner items.  I made a chicken spinach pasta dish for Darin and I and Mac-n-Cheese for the kids along with garlic toast for all of us (J didn't want any.)  Darin did some homework with J and I helped A finish her project on Bottlenose Dolphins. 

The kids had to brush their teeth and go to bed early for their behavior - A for being disrespectful and J whining/crying (acting tired.)  They started sleeping in the LR on the floor but after I read them A's book (for her book report this week) they went to their room to sleep.

It is 8:22 and I have a little more energy than I had when I started this so I will check out some news articles.  I still think of those 20 angels every day and wish they were still alive.  I get so sad when I think about what those last moments of their lives were like - the terror and pain... poor babies.  THANK YOU JESUS for holding them in your arms now!!! 

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