Sunday, September 2, 2012


On Friday we went to Jake's Kindergarten orientation and found out that he got Mrs. Susan Traganza, the teacher we were hoping Alexa was going to get for her kindergarten teacher!  Darin and I are so happy!!!  

Yesterday morning we went to Doyle to see the sign up sheet for Alexa's teacher is.  We hadn't seen her kindergarten teach in the orientation so on the way we were speculating that maybe she is now a 2nd grade teacher.  SHE IS!!!  Luckily we found out she will have Mrs. Alice Evans - however, we don't know anything about her yet. 

Jake had his 3rd soccer practice.  Last Sat Alexa had went missing. She was down on another field petting a dog...  Yesterday I kept her busy at a playground and walking around.  Afterwards we went out to eat at Panda Express - YUM!  Alexa could have gone to Karate but didn't want to go.  I don't think we will be resigning her up - it will be too crazy with her busy school/primetime schedule.

I did start the couch 2 5K and have done it 3 times this week and started walking more.  Last night Alexa and I walked to the grocery store and we walked there again this am for some milk and cereal. 

Jake and Alexa both love my IPAD.  Jake watches monster trucks and Alexa watches homemade clips about mermaids!  :)

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