I picked Jake up at noon but he did NOT want to leave Adrian and threw a major fit! Barely said goodbye to Adrian. His mom had said that they were still up at 11pm talking and she asked them to go to sleep - which they did. He had asked for me and said he missed me. When he woke up he said, "My mommy still isn't here!" His mom reassured him and as soon as Adrian woke up they were having fun and even went on a hike with his dad. Boy he was irritable coming home though. He laid down on the cough for a while with his blanket and when he got up he was fine. Whew! :)
Alexa was missing him last night and this morning. :) However, this is the first weekend she was officially "GROUNDED!" She had to stay in her room Friday and Saturday except to come out to go to the bathroom, eat or do homework with daddy.